Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 9, 2007

Convert INI file to XML

private string GetConfigValue( XmlDocument xmlDoc, string sectionName, 
string settingName )
string valueRet;

// get setting node
string xpath =
String.Format( "//section[@name='{0}']/setting[@name='{1}']",
sectionName, settingName );
XmlNode node = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode( xpath );

// display value
if ( node == null )
throw new Exception(
"No such setting, using the following xpath:{0}{1}",
Environment.NewLine, xpath ) );
XmlAttribute xmlAttr = node.Attributes["value"];
if ( xmlAttr == null )
throw new Exception( String.Format(
"No value for this setting, using the following xpath:{0}{1}",
Environment.NewLine, xpath ) );
valueRet = xmlAttr.Value;

return valueRet;

// Load configuration from xml file
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.Load( "C:\\WINNT\\iexplore.xml" );
string homePage = GetConfigValue( xmlDoc, "main", "Home Page" );
string searchPage = GetConfigValue( xmlDoc, "main", "Search Page" );

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