Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 7, 2012

Google Maps key

Yes you can use common key to make MapView visible in all Device by using Release Key.
  1. Get the MD5 Key from your computer and Go to Googles link for getting Map Key and get yourUnique key for your system.
  2. Copy and paste it in XML file
  3. Now right click Project->Export Application->Select your Project->Next->Select new Keystore -> Complete all rest Steps
  4. Note down your alias name and password given.
  5. Now if you Complete all process of Filling Details you will get one .apk file and keystore file in your stored location.
  6. Now open commamd prompt type this command in it --> Got to you Java bin path -> keytool.exe -list -alias "aliasname" -keystore "location of keystore generated" -storepass "password" -keypass "password"
  7. Now hit ENTER you will get MD5 again
  8. Now copy it paste it in in Google Key link and get your key.
  9. Now go to your XML put the new key in XML file.
  10. Now Right Click Project->Export Application->Select your Project->Next->Use Existing Keystore -> Give location and password->Next
  11. Now your alias name will comes in your Drop Down->Select it -> Enter Password -> Next
  12. It will ask for location to store your final .apk file.
  13. Select your location and store.
  14. Now this final .apk file will shows MAPVIEW in all Devices.
     C:\Users\FSSD6>keytool.exe -list -alias aliasname -keystore "location" -storepass password -keypass password
For Further help check this Maplink and enter link description here

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