Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 6, 2017

Setting Up CI And CD For Azure App Services With Github And Azure CLI 2.0

We are going to deploy a GitHub repo to Azure App Service and configure CI/CD for that repo through the Azure CLI 2.0 so if you’re not aware of the Azure CLI 2.0, I will request you to go to my previous blog posts here and here.
First, we will list down all the steps required for it. The steps are as follows:
Create a Resource Group
    We will create a resource group with the name githubdemorg and host it in location EASTUS
    az group create –name githubdemoorg –location EASTUS
    Create an App Service Plan
      An App Service Plan is to define the size, location, scale count, and sku of the app where you will be hosting it.
      az appservice plan create –name githubdemplan –resource-group githubdemoorg –sku FREE
      Create a Web App
        We will create a new web app with the following command.
        az appservice web create –name githubdemoag –resource-group githubdemorg –plan githubdemoplan
        Create a Git repo in Github
        If you’re not familiar with github, just follow the steps.
        • Go to and Signup/login with your Credentials
        • Click on Start a project

        • Create a new repository by passing a repo name and description and make your Repo as public. Also, make sure that you didn’t check the Initialize this repository with a README if you’re not familiar with github and blindly follow this demo.

        Push the Code to the Github
            Go to your code directory and open a new instance of the command prompt for the git command and follow the new or existing repository on the command line according to the requirement.
            For us, we did the new repository in the demo. Let me quickly walk through the commands.
            git init
            It’s going to initiate a new blank repository in your local
            git add
            It is going to add a readme file to the repo.
            git commit –m “first commit”
            It is going to commit the code with the message in the double quote
            git remote add origin url
            It’s going to add the remote to the origin.
            git push –u origin master
            It’s going to push to origin git repo in the master branch


            Once you completed the above commands then go to your repo on github and check if the files got pushed.


            Deploy Code from a public Github Repository with CI &CD
            In order to set up the source control config, you need to authenticate your command line with a token, and in order to get the token you need to go to and then settings and on bottom left click on personal access token.

            Click on "Generate new token" and enter the token description.


            Click on "Generate token" button at the bottom.
            Copy the token generated in this step and use it in the next step. I have not used it in the screenshot below as I have already set up the token once and Azure remembers the token.
            az appservice web source-control config –name githubdemoag –resource-group githubdemorg –repo-url YOURREPOURL –branch master --git-token $token
            Validate CI & CD
              Now, to validate the CI CD Configuration, I am going to make a simple code change in my HTML and append Updated to GITHUB DEMO and I am going to push the code to git hub and check the site again to see if the changes are reflecting or not.
              Update the HTML File


              Push the code to the github by using the following commands in your git cmd
              Git add .
              Git commit –m “new commit”
              Git push

              Check the site again.


              [] Application Architecture - First Know Dependency Before Dependency Injection

              Dependency Injection
              Audience for this topic - Developers and Application Architects.
              What will you learn from the topic
              I know you already familiar with Dependency Inversion(DI) and Inversion of Control (IOC). So, if you already know this, but you are not confident enough to inject dependency into your components; but you want to reuse your componets and want to know best design practice for the components then this article is for you. If you prefer Layers style, N-Tier architecture style, Onion or Daisy architecture style using and Domain-Driven-Design or some others then you may need different implementations of the same type of the components for the same or different applications. So, first know about the dependency, their types and characteristics then injecting the dependency will be very easy and you will be ready to use Dependency-Inversion principle.
              Anyway, the following concepts will be covered in this topic -
              • What is Dependency
              • Type of Dependency
              • Characteristics of the Dependency
              • Use of the dependency in your class design
              • Dependency Inversion
              • In what Scenarios force to use DI
              • What is DI and IOC
              • Type of DI
              • Advantages and disadvantages of DI
              • IOC Framework
              • Use of Munq to your Web application
              • Use of Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)
              Let's Drilldown the Basic Concept  In DI 
              No more theory and definition, let's see the example
              In the example,
              • Customer Class needs classes 'CheckingAccount' and 'SavingAccount' classes to do its work.
              • "Customer" Class can't do its work without classes 'CheckingAccount' and 'SavingAccount'.
              • "Customer" Class is a dependent of classes 'CheckingAccount' and 'SavingAccount'.
              • Classes 'CheckingAccount' and 'SavingAccount' are dependency of class "Customer"
              Class Relations of Dependency
              • Two classes (Customer and IBankAccount) that use each other are called "coupled".
              • The coupling between classes can be loose or tight or somewhere in between.
              Tight Coupling Dependencies
              In the example CheckingAccount and SavingingAccount are tightly coupled with the customer class. This implementation violates the Opened-Closed principles where your classes should be open for extension but closed for modifications. Anyway, forget the principle. Just think that your checking-account class is fixed in this design and if you need another implantation of the checking-account class then what should you do?
              Loose Coupling Dependencies
              In the example, the implementation of the interface IBankAccount are CheckingAccount and SavingingAccount which are loosely coupled in the customer class. You can inject any different implementation of the IBankAccount into the Customer class.
              Direction of Dependency
              • Dependencies or couplings are directional. 
              • The Customer depends on IBankAccount which doesn't mean that IBankAccount also depends on Customer.
              Characteristics of Dependency
              • Visible Dependencies
              • Hidden Dependencies
              • Direct Dependencies
              • Indirect Dependencies
              • Compile-Time Dependencies
              • Run-Time Dependency
               Visible Dependencies
              In the example the implementation of the interface IBankAccount are CheckingAccount and SavingingAccount. If you want to create an instance of a customer class then you can inject any different implementation of the IBankAccount using its constructor. It is visible during object creation.
              Hidden Dependency
              Now if you create an object of the Customer class then you will not get any chance to inject any of the implementation of the IBankAccount Interface. It is hidden during object creation.
              Direct Dependency
              In this example, Customer class uses IBankAccount. It means Customer has a direct dependency on IBankAccount. So, it is called direct dependency.
              Indirect Dependency
              In the example CheckingAccount Class has a direct dependency with DataAccessForChecking.
              So, Customer has a direct dependency with CheckingAccount. Again Checking Account has a direct dependency with DataAccessForChecking. So, Customer lass has an indirect dependency with DataAccessForChecking.
              To keep it simple, right now I'm avoiding the compile-Time and run-time dependency. Later I will explain when I will discuss MEF and MUNQ Section.
              Finally I can say that change the way you think then you will realize the fact.
              Dependency Inversion
              Look at the above example where we are considering a layer architecture. I am taking this architecture as an example. Note that Tier and Layer are two different style. I am ignoring that part as my main goal to show you the DI and IOC.
              The Presentation Layer(PL) which may contain User Interface Layer(UI) and Presentation Logic Layer(PLL).To make it easy say we have a web application and the UI means the web-form like *.aspx for ASP.NET or the view like *.cshtml for ASP.NET MVC. PLL means the controller class for the ASP.NET MVC or the *.aspx.cs for ASP.NET.
              Business Layer (BL) could be you domain layer. The Data Access Layer (DAL). You can use any ORM like Entity-Frame-work as a DAL.
              Say, you have bought some products using any web portal. Now you want to see your order items. So, when you click on a button to display your order then View will communicate with the controller class. Controller class will call the BL and then BL will call the DAL to verify the customer account information and then finally DAL will send the order information to the BL and BL send it to the PL to display the order list.
              In a short, the layers work as follows -
              1. PL depends on BL
              2. BL depends on DAL
              So, high level layer depends on the low level layers and these are tight coupling layers. We can't change this dependency at the run time or if we have more than one implementations of the DAL or BLL then what happen? Can we able to change the way of the dependency from the layers?
              Real Life Scenario
              Just for easy understanding let's say, you have different implementation of the DLL. For example, IDataAccess has two implementations and these are DataAccessForSql and DataAccessForOracle. Depending on the customers sometimes you need DataAccessForSql and sometimes you need DataAccessForOracle. But tight coupling design will not help you in this scenarios.
              Again you have more than one payment system like PayPal, Visa and MasterCard. You need different implementation of your business logics depending on the payment system. For example, say, IPayment has some implementation like PaymentForMasterCard, PaymentForPayPal and PaymentForVisa. So, you need to switch from one to another depend on the preference of the customer. Tight coupling design will not give you this facilities.
              So, solution is the Dependency Inversion.
              Principle of the Dependency Inversion
              It states that "High-level layers should not depend on low-level layers. Both should depend on abstractions".

              So, we can inject any of the implementation of the DAL to the BL and any of the implementation of BL to the PL.

              Dependency Injection
              Dependency injection is a style of object configuration in which objects are configured by an external entity.
              In What Scenarios Do You Need DI
              • Never use DI unless - you don't have the control over the lifecycle of the objects.
              • Don't use Container unless something forces you to do that.
              • If you have control to call new to create an object then never need DI container.
              Type of Dependency Injection
              1. Constructor Injection
              2. Setter Injection
              3. Interface injection
              Constructor Injection
              Constructor injection uses parameter to inject dependencies.
              Setter Injection
              Use setter method to inject the object's dependencies.
              Interface injection
              Interface injection is used when an object is defined by an interface and it must be implemented in order to inject dependencies at runtime. So, design an interface to inject dependencies.
              Disadvantage of DI
              The guessing that you have decoupled by implementing DI without decoupling it. This is the worse part about DI.
              Advantage of DI
              • Unit Test or testable code
              • Reuseable code
              • DI helps you with SR (Single Responsibility) and SoC (Separation of Concerns).
              DI is not effective if
              You will never need a
              • Different implementation.
              • Different configuration.
              Dependency injection is effective If
              You need to inject,
              • Different implementations of the same dependency.
              • The same dependency into multiple components.
              • Configuration data into multiple components.
              • The same implementation in different configurations.
              Inversion of Control (IoC)
              IoC refers to the containers. It is an implementation of using DI which refers to the actual pattern. IoC containers are useful with static dependencies which is used at compile-time and MEF is useful with dynamic dependencies which is used only at run-time.
              List of .NET IOC Framework
              • Unity
              • Managed Extensibility Framework(MEF)
              • Munq
              • Funq
              • LightCore
              • Spring .NET
              • Castle Windsor
              • Autofac
              • Structure Map
              • Puzzle.NFactory
              • Ninject
              • S2Container.NET
              • Winter4Net
              Which Dependency Injection Tool Should You Use
              • Munq is good for web
              • Unity is good for Enterprise
              • IOC container is best if you want to implement the entire application.
              • If you want to extend only and it is developed by 3rd-party then MEF could be the best.
              • Ninject is too slow container.
              Note that there is some philosophical contradiction. But my main goal is to give you an idea so that, you can capture it easily. These are not hard coded rules; so if you have different opinions then you are right too.

              copy from